
How to become a member:

Full-year natural persons and corporate bodies can join.
Natural persons pay an annual fee of 60 euros.
Corporations pay an annual fee of 120 euros.
The membership application can be made by email, provided the basic information is complete. Otherwise the application can not be processed. Please use the application form provided for download, see link below.
The membership becomes effective only with the contribution payment.
The contribution is due with the admission statement by the executive committee in single installment.
Withdrawal can be declared at the end of the month of the following month.

Members introduce themselves:

EurAsia M&A Gateway Co., Ltd.

Strategische Management-Beratung mit Fokus auf internationalem Technologie-Transfer. Partnerlaender: China, Bulgarien, Polen.
Web:     Email:

Innovative Dragon Co., Ltd.

Engineering office and design institute with seat in London and office in Duesseldorf. Specialized in vehicle architecture and general aviation. Inventor of the innovative traffic system FLAIT.
Web: Email:

Reichenbach Technology Advisors

Provides expert pool on technology transfer with decades of experience in the Chinese market.
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